Puppy Gallery!
We have had the joy of adding new fluffy members to some great families.
THANK YOU to all of our Sky Blue Aussie Families! See some comments from them below!
Pictures below are of past puppies raised by Sky Blue Aussies
Check out videos of our puppies at http://www.youtube.com/user/skyblueaussies
We are so grateful to you for giving us Yeti. I have had hunting dogs before but never an Aussie, and I am so amazed at how smart and trainable he has been! Everyone is so amazed at how well behaved he is at such a young age. He is an amazing fetcher, i joke he is part lab :). And he is so amazing with my two young boys, I don't know what they did before him, they always try to negotiate him coming along with us wherever we go. He is my little shadow and follows me everywhere.
Thank you so much for giving us such an amazing dog and starting him off great in life, he is everything we wanted and more!
Bry Montgomery - Owner of Yeti
(Ps. He LOVES the snow, the name Yeti suits him!)
Donna, thank you again for the most amazing little girl I could ever imagine! She is such a little lover (as I type this, she's curled up on my lap with nose on the laptop) but as much as she loves kisses, cuddling and belly rubs, she loves to play just as much!
It took a few days for Malia and her big brother (my 2yr old Aussie) to adjust and get to know each other but now they are absolutely inseparable – the best of friends, partners in mischief, cuddling, napping and endless rounds of tug, chase and wrestling. In addition to her box of toys (which she quickly figured out how to open), one of Malia’s favorite things is her play tunnel – perfect place to hide toys, entertain herself by turning it into a giant wheel, launch surprise attacks on her big brother or use as one of her shortcuts during their games of chase.
Everybody who meets Malia comments that not only is she the most beautiful puppy (I think so too, but I may be biased), but also how sweet and smart she is. Within a few days she had learned sit and lay down in response to verbal cues or a clicker (1 click for sit, 2 for lay down). She’s also amazing with everybody she meets – friendly and ready to play with dogs of all sizes, and gentle and playful with kids from 2 to 12.
Every day I think I couldn’t be more impressed by her smarts, entertained by her goofiness or in love with her sweetness. Every day she proves me wrong. From sitting with me for a morning cup of coffee and greeting me with morning kisses to learning new things, exploring and playing all day to curling up with her brother and me on the couch at night, she has quickly become part of the family and one of the best parts of every day.
I can't say enough about how wonderful Malia is and how lucky I feel to have her in the family. It's so clear in everything about her that she spent her first two months surrounded by love and with a family who truly understands Aussies. Thank you!!
Sending lots of love from Colora do! |
I just watched them play "keep away" ALL over our backyard running about 90 miles an hour - NIa in front and Dee Dee yipping at her heels! LOL Nia would occasionally stop to try to fake out Dee Dee by hiding behind a tree, but Dee Dee is of course too smart for that! Nia is SO fast - and already jumping like a gazelle.
These two are absolutely amazing puppies! We are SO happy we have them - they have brought much joy to our lives. We laugh at them ALL the time! Dee Dee's expressions and personality just crack us up! She is a little bugger clown - and Ni is our sweet lovey girl who occasionally tries to steal a sock out of the clothes pile! :)
They are both doing wonderfully! Very happy puppies who love to play with each other and get along perfectly. They even eat out of the same food bowl.... seriously.... they won't eat out of separate bowls - believe me, I have tried! They took to the leash incredibly easily and we take two walks a day. They have learned to ring a bell that hangs on the back door when they want to go out, and only had a very few accidents in the house - NO accidents at all in our bedroom where they sleep. They both know sit and shake. They are both SO SMART. They learned if they go up the stairs a little ways, they can use their noses to push off the shoes that are on the ledge and then run around and grab them on the floor. LOL
They start their "Puppy Adventure" class on Sunday, so we're really looking forward to that! Should be a lot of fun. And we have our 2nd trip to the vet on that day too - our vet couldn't get enough of them and said they are very healthy. When we take them out, we are stopped over and over again by people who just gush about how
cute and adorable they are. And they're right!
So thank you again for our puppies! They get lots and lots of love and attention - and they give it right back - they are very lovey puppies!

I can't say enough about how glad i am that we brought home two pups. They are the best thing we have ever done . ( My kids say 'thanks mom!" when I say that!.) They are the best, smartest, cutest boys. They are so cute together, and even John says, they would be such different dogs if they didn't have each other, they play constantly. They also love US, as well as each other, and it has been so cute to watch, because of course we fell in love immediatly with them, but it took them a while to get over leaving Blue Sky Ranch (what a great place). Wherever we go, people ask what kind of dog, and where did we
get them.
I really believe that how they were raised is why they have such great
personalities and are so easy to train- they pick up on things so quickly! Mack is a big loveable teddy bear, he's already about twice the size of Dex. Dexter is smarter (or so we think) and is more attentive to what we say, he's also the first to jump in a lap when someone sits down! We can't imagine having only one, they are the perfect pair. We love them both so much. Thank you for doing such a wonderful
job raising puppies- we could tell they were well loved before we got lucky enough to call them ours!
Dot & Family - Owners of Dexter & Mack |

Where does one start….. How about thank you, Donna and Lance and family. After spending years with Dobermans and Rottweilers we wanted a smaller breed. After much research we decided on an Australian Shepherd, after even more research contacted Donna at Sky Blue Ranch. And after months of waiting, weeks of watching the newborns grow through photos and videos, many agonizing days, numerous phone calls (thanks again Donna for your patience with us) we chose our boy Levi.
I think he stole my heart when we heard his story. He has taken in with no problems: long car rides(6 + hours day one ), elderly blind ”sister”, grandchildren,car alarms, puppy school and everywhere else we can think of to take him. Everywhere we go people always comment on him, how well he acts; his unusual/beautiful coloring. They want to know what breed he is and where we got him from. We are very happy to explain where we got him from and encourage them to check out your wonderful website.We were so very fortunate to have found Sky Blue Ranch and so very lucky you allowed us to take one of your special puppies home with us.
Rich and Jackie Dombek owners of LEVI
Mia has been a wonderful addition to our family. She is so sweet with the kids, yet barks at strangers when she's alone in the backyard. She is extremely smart and loving and has been the perfect family dog. We originally found Donna & Sky Blue Aussies through an internet search and wanted to avoid any kind of "puppy mill." When we visited Sky Blue Ranch we were so impressed by the dogs and how well cared for they were and how they were "part of the family." The video updates we got with Donna's kids playing with the puppies were so cute and reassured us that they would be well socialized. When we got Mia home she was so calm and sweet with us we knew she had been "spoiled" for her first 8 weeks of life.
We really couldn't be any happier with our Aussie and recommend Sky Blue Aussies for anyone looking for a great pet!
Zu & Family - Owners of Mia
Just wanted to send you some pictures of Rooster. He is my best friend!!! The most wonderful dog in the world. We just finished 8 weeks of beginner obedience and if I can find a conformation puppy match in the area, I am going to try and take him to it. He has really nice conformation. He weighs almost 50 lbs. My vet thinks he may reach 70 lbs., but I think he is starting to slow down with his growing.

He is just the most wonderful dog. He has the best personality in the world. Makes me laugh everyday. He has to ride around in the wheelbarrow every morning when I am feeding the horses. He is so funny, he can jump in the wheelbarrow, but he waits until I come over and pick him up and put him in it. Thanks again!
Betsy - Owner of Rooster |
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to Donna and Lance. This was "my" first Aussie but my fiancee's 2nd one. I am 100% completly in love with this breed. The intelligence factor is amazing. Tonka is a very smart and loving boy and loves to play with his other doggie brother. I will never own another breed of dog.

I just wanted to share a couple of new photos of Tonka. As you well know he will 4 months old soon and has had his last round of puppy shots. He is tipping the scales at 30 pounds already. Not an ounce of fat on him. He is healthy as a horse lol. We absolutely love this boy and as you can see is now WAY bigger than my lap. He will always be a lap dog for me though. I wouldnt want it any other way. His favorite game is soccer and chase.
Leslie & Family - Owners of Tonka |
I began searching for a dog that would be a good running companion for me and read about aussies, this seemed to me to be the perfect running partner. I started searching on the internet and immediately found Sky Blue Aussies, what a beautiful site and what beautiful dogs. I contacted Donna and she was one of the most friendly people and so knowledgeable. Then the puppies came. I was sure I wanted a blue merle but after reading Donna's description of each pup we picked Sadie. Donna sent us at least weekly updates on Sadie and little videos. We felt we were part of Sadie's life practically from birth. I went to visit Donna and lil Sadie and let me say what a beautiful place. All her dogs were very happy, healthy and well behaved with plenty of room to run. I'll never forget when Donna opened the door and all the little puppies immediately ran out into the yard to "go potty". Donna and her family had been calling Sadie by her name so I believe she already knew it when I went to visit.
Sadie is a wonderful dog. She is always happy. She and I go for long runs and one command she has learned is "go slow" because I am not that fast. She has never been any problem and even as a tiny puppy was brave enough to play with our 200 pound mastiff Henry. They are inseperable.
She is very smart and brave. She has brought so much joy to our family. I believe a lot of her good behavior comes from the great start that Donna gave her. She is truly dedicated to her dogs and puppies. I can't wait to get another aussie from Donna. Thanks to Donna and her family for raising such healthy socialized and happy puppies!!!
Kelly ~ Owner of Sadie
Joey is getting so big! I can't believe it has been two weeks since they day we met. He is such a good boy! Even though he does have his moments of being a puppy. I do not know why I waited so long to get a puppy, and you were absolutely right. I love my aussie. I attached some pictures for you to see how big he is getting already. We went to the vet yesterday, and he weighs 15 pounds!
Again I wanted to thank you for everything. He is the greatest dog in the world!
Austin Neesen owner of JOEY

Wow, it's hard to believe it's been a year since we drove from Texas to get our Sweet Remy from Sky Blue Aussies! We just love her and she has added SO MUCH JOY to our family! I can't believe we waited so long to have an Aussie! She is so sweet and smart and sure loves to please! We've had to
put her on allowance for toys and balls...hehe! They have a very short life span! Thank you all again for such a wonderful healthy pet! We talk often about getting another! If we do, we will definitely be calling you again.
The Hunter Family!
I'm going to try and send you a little video of Remy playing ball! She is so funny...if there was Aussie soccer..she would be a good forward!!
Suzanne - owner of Remy |


Once my husband and I decided we wanted an Australian Shepherd puppy we researched several breeders online. I was very impressed with Sky Blue Aussies' website. It provided a ton of information about Aussies, herself, and her ranch. Of course, the puppies were incredibly cute, but it was the abundance of information that made me feel like she would be a very trustworthy breeder. You could see the love she had for her own dogs. Donna was always quick to respond to all of my emails. She was very helpful when it came time for us to select our puppy. She took several videos so we could observe the puppies demeanor to help us make our pick. The amount of socialization Donna spends on the puppies is exceptional. The first weekend home our puppy met all of the neighbors, our close friends, our parents/grandparents, and even a 6 month old baby. He has done incredibly well with anyone of any age. He will let you touch any part of him and absolutely loves to be held. He never blinked an eye at noises like cars, my hairdryer, or even a baby cry.

You can tell all of the effort she spent on her puppies that they are very confident and well socialized dogs. Potty training has not been difficult at all, as soon as we let our puppy outside he immediately goes. He knows his name, he knows to come when called, and even knows how to sit at just 9 weeks. We absolutely love our puppy and would recommend Donna and Sky Blue Aussies to anyone looking for an Australian Shepherd puppy.
Ashley & Will- Owners of Bacon |
Hi Donna!
They did a great in the car yesterday!
They both slept through the night last night too! They woke up at six and
went out and then slept a little more.
Today they played a lot and wondered around the yard. Otis is really good
at coming when he is called and they are both doing a good job going to the
bathroom outside. The sprinklers were on today and they loved it.

Thank you so much for them they are so fun and sweet and have
been adapting well!
Thank you!
Sarah owner of Arlie & Otis

We hear from Becky & Cooper often and have tons of awesome Cooper stories -
- here are just a few of our favorites!
Callen is Becky's Grandson and is Cooper's constant companion!
Callen had bonked himself with a toy and was crying. Cooper was asleep in the next room and came running in with his usual lot of kisses for Callen. Grins quickly came back and before the play session was over Cooper had laid his head in Callen's lap...Callen had rolled back onto the floor and Cooper came and sat on top of him...walked over his head and stuck with his charades until Callen was giggling again. Aussies are the greatest!
Got a Cooper story that I have to share and probably only someone who knows and loves Aussies would even believe it. Our kids came over for lunch after church today and Megan was muttering.... She said, "Mom, I reached into my diaper bag to get something for Callen during church and felt this strange thing. I pulled it out and it was one of Cooper's chewies. Actually, one of Cooper's chewies that Callen liked to play with. I didn't put it there, she didn't put it there, and Callen isn't quite capable of getting in the same location as the diaper bag yet. Wanna guess who put it there????? I'm still laughing!!!!!!!
I always want to share Cooper's WONDERFUL moments with his "puppy mommy" - LOL
Steve had his hip prosthesis replaced (revised) in Omaha last week.
We got home yesterday afternoon and I have to say I was really concerned about Cooper not doing something to hurt Steve - not on purpose but because he still has a lot of puppy energy. They did okay but I was amazed, yet again, last night after we went to bed. Steve slept behind closed doors and Cooper was awake all night because he somehow just knew that he needed to take care of him. Several times he would lay down in front of the door and whine. I don't think the little guy slept any during the night.
We loved our old friend Buck and he took care of me after spine surgery. This dog has a completely different personality. He is simply incredible in people skills!!
How does anyone survive without an Aussie? (-:
Becky & Steve - Owners of Cooper

If you would like to submit an owner comment please email me at donna@skyblueaussies.com - I would love to hear from you!